What you see is inspired by the Salt Lake, located 500 meters from the hotel. The area called Alykes, located between Tigaki and Marmari, where cooking salt was produced until 1989, is now a permanent lagoon with salty and brackish waters. Its 930 hectares host flocks of birds on their migration routes each year as well as large diversity in island flora and fauna.
The unique beauty of Alykes is enhanced even more by the presence of pelicans and herons, who meet here alongside sea turtles and sea snakes. Alykes is an active member of the Natura 2000 protected regions network for the haven it offers to migrating birds as well as for its natural beauty, unique in the Dodecanese Islands. Flamingos are frequent visitors to Aliki, especially during the winter season (late Autumn to early Spring). The number of birds and the period of their stay are linked to the weather conditions and the water level in the lake.